The Great Pyramid of Giza ( Cheops pyramid ) B Great Pyramid of Giza ( Cheops pyramid ) B

The Great Pyramid of Giza ( Cheops pyramid ) B

The Great pyramid of Giza ( Egyptian pyramid  miracle )
The miracle of the great pyramid in Giza has been with us for 5000 years, The Pyramid consists of 2 million and 600 thousands of stones, which are firmly connected without cement.
Nowadays, cement, concrete and steel are used in building construction, Even so, buildings collapse after just a few years, Again the pyramids has existed for 5000 years, and it consists of 2 million, 600,000 stones, Each stone is huge, weighing from 2.5 to 15 tons. The ceiling of the roof of the king burial chamber is made of big granite blocks, each weighting 70 tons,That is equal to the weight of a train car.
Amazing! How were these blocks lifted? The original height of Cheops Great pyramid supposed to be about  146 meters ( Now it is 137 m ), which is similar to a 48 floor skyscraper.
How such huge stones and blocks were lifted to that great height about 4700 B.C? At that time there was no equipment such as buldozers, trilers, or gas operated or electrical cranes.So how were all Giza great pyramid blocks of stones were  lifted?
Years ago, We learned from school textbooks that the ancient Egyptian built a huge bench a mastaba around the pyramid and it was made of mud bricks, then they moved stone blocks onto the ramp or the ( mastaba) with wooden pulleys!!
Do you beleive it ?How could a 70 ton granite block be moved with wooden pulleys?and even more they were pulled over mud bricks.Could this be possible?
Pulling granite would require a mastaba or a ramp made of reinforced cement. Moving those blocks would require a steel bulldozer able to pull or push 70 tons.It is hard to beleive that the ancient made a mastaba or ramp of mud bricks or sand and moved giant stones on it.and how could 100,000 workers pulling stoness all stand on that mastaba

If this was the case, the wooden pulleys would have sunk into the ground, It is impossible. Lifting massive stones to great heights requires specialized equipment. such as process needs much more than building mastaba around any of the 3 pyramids of Giza. They used to inform us in primary school that this mastaba was like a scaffold, The pyramid was huge and mastaba was built around it, to enable workers to build other higher level of the pyramid, But this required a separate construction ,, 10times the size of the pyramid, and it would look like a big erection ( mastaba or ramp ) surrounding the pyramid.Besides, They would have needed bulldozers, cranes, and steel pulleys to lift the 70 tons stones. The question remains, How were the Giza pyramids blocks of stone were lifted?
Really it seems that these legendary pyramids in Giza have no scientific explanation ecept if Pharaonic scientists had certail methods and special knowledge enabling them to control the laws of gravity, They managed to make anti-gravity, Pharaonic scientists and engineers migght have cerated a zone free from gravity when they were erecting the dazling pyramids in Giza.American and russian scientists are working now on anti-gravity, but this knowledge has existed since ancient times, It was perfection. The ancient scientists succeeded somehow to control gravity.
Doing so might have faciliated lifting the 70 tons blocks needed to erect the ceiling of the Great pyramid burial chamber 

Another amazing thing about the Pyramids is its geometry: the tunnels,
 Chambers, passageways and the massive granite blocks.In the chambers of the pyramids and in the temples around pyramids, You will find granite blocks polished like mirrors. How was that done? What were the means of polishing?
We can not find an answer , actually Besides the calculations made about the pyramids are amazing !
If the circumference of the pyramid is divided by its height, the result is 3.14, This number is called pi, the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter.After measuring the pyramid's circumference and heigh, the resut of dividing these two numbers is 3.14 which is equal to pi.Even in the king's chamber if the circumference is measured then divided by the height of the chamber , the same ratio applies to sarcophagi as well as all the pyramid's chambers. This is no coincidence, the pyramid was architecturally designed this way.
Why did the ancients designs the pyramids like this? It is still a mystery
It is thought that, at construction, the Great Pyramid of Cheops was originally about 146.5 metres to 149 m , but with erosion and absence of its pyramidion, its present height is 137.8 metres Each base side, 230.4 metres (755.9 ft) long.

The pyramid is located exactly in the center of the 5 continents.The sides of the pyramid of Giza face towards the 4 cardinal directions, North, South, East and west, The north side even faces towards the magnetic north, You know there are 4 degrees difference between the geographical and magnetic north, Now when We use a compass, the pyramid's four sides face east,west,north and south.And not just north, It is the magnetic north, This is not a simple direction to find.
The entrance passage of the pyramid points to the North star, While the inner passage points to the star Sirius. It seems the Great pyramid of Giza is an astronomical observatory.
The plaster outer layer of the Great pyramid was wondrous. But unfortunately most of it fell off during the 1301 earthquake.The rest was stolen and used in building other constructions in Old Cairo, its fences, mosques and palaces.
Even now We can see fences with complete parts of other very ancient stones including Pharaonic designs.
The outer covering of the pyramid was completely smooth. It was said that it was also covered with gold plated engravings, including astronomical timetables,calculations, schedules,secrets and Pharaonic cartouches.
The Question what are the secrets of Giza pyramids? 

One theory used to say that the Great pyramid in Giza was a tomb for Cheops ( Khufu )
Is it possible such a magnificient structure was just a pharaoh's tomb and nothing more?
Then what about the corridors, the various chambers, and the queen's underground chamber? what about the unique architecture and massive blocks, the corridors pointing to the north star and the star Sirius? In addition there is disagreement about who built the pyramid.
It is clear there is more than one theory , some say it was an observatory, Others say it is a house of secrets or place for sacred prophecy.
There are many other theories about Giza great pyramids, For example there are 2 scientists, one French and one English.The French scientist , Carnie, and the English scientist , Greaves, precisly measured all the pyramid's corridors and used the pyramid inch as a unit of measurement, They found that each inch represents a whole year, They found out the design of the corridors was similar to graph representing the world's events from Creation until the Judgement Day.
For example , a point shows the occurance of World Wars I and II, depicted by a certain angle and line. In this way, They calculated judgment day will be on 2815. This is according to the symbols found in the pyramid's corridors. Surely , This seems to be an exaggeration,Yet it illustrates how scientists are fascinated by the pyramid, and want to explore the mysteries of its corridors and chambers.

Of course, These matters are very strange and make one wonder! Morever , There is controversy about who built the Great pyramid! Generally It is attributed to Cheops, because it was found a cartouche on which was written ( Khenom Cheops), Yet Khenom Cheops in hieroglyph means God Exalted be He.

Amazing ! This can change the whole story especially since Cheops is unknown among the Pharaonic dynasty,and there is no written history known about him. There are serious controversies about the ancient Egyptian history.Some say ancient Egyptian history started 7000 years ago and that it was a polytheistic pagan society.The scientist Borgesh found out that the ancient Egyptians had 2800 gids. Yet there is another opinion.The historian Maniton  the most trustworthy Orientalist,studied ancient Egyptian history.That historian said ancient Egyptian history began 12500 years ago.There is also proof that it was a monotheistic civilization , not pagan. True , There are hieroglyphic records written on papyrus relating scenes and stories represent what was thought to be 2800 gods.Once would be amazed to read (The Book on the Dead)
The ancient Egyptians addressed God, Almighty saying:
O God, You are the first whois preceded by no one, and you are thae last, none comes after the same time and in the dead book of ancent pharaohs, god say : I alone created everything without the assistance of anybody) iF this is the case, what about the 2800 gods?
In heiroglyph, they used the word ( Neter ) with means of god. The word neter in Heiroglyph refers to the god.However the real meaning of neter in heiroglyph is the powerful hand. This means it is an adjective. Does this mean that the 2800 gods are merely the attributes of the one god? In this way we can understand ( The Book of Dead ) and what was meant by one God who created everything alone.This means the priests and political leaders had a big influence on religion. As usual, It was advantageous for the priests to have 2800 gods.Each god had a temple and festivals and offering in different times,The priests gained materially by collecting offerings, Also the king liked people to be split among 2800 parties, keeping them distracted and fighting against each other.This theory means that the king and priests they are the ones who created the 2800 gods, So that each would have a separate temple and offerings.This theory say that Ancient Egyptian beleived in 1 god and this is broven by obelisks.Obeliscs point to the sky , representing the existence of one God as one point, it is the same only one point on the top pf any pyramid.
And what about Akhenaten?
He suddenly popped up in history, calling for monotheism.Where did he come from? He did not just appear from nowhere.Akhenaten was influenced by the traditions and feelings of the people.What happened was political rulers took one side and the people took the other. Let us follow an important historical event, There is additional evidence in the Israel's emigration. The Egyptians gathered all their gold and gave it to the people of Israel. This show that they supported Moses, and they beleived Moses but they concealed their faith. This is why they acted strangely when Moses led his people out of Egypt.This may be show that the Ancient Egyptians were believers but were oppressed by the power of the rulers and priests.
Even the names of the ancient Egyptian gods make us take notice Atum, Osiris, and Nuh , These gods names are similar to other ancient prophets names that are mentioned in Jewsh, Christianity and Islam religion ( Adam, Idris and Noah ), In the ancient Egypt the great god Atum was known to be the first on earth. This point is clear, During pharaonic times, when a great figure died, he would become  legend then a god or a religion.This what happened to Adam who became Atum

Osiris was Idris , as ancient Egyptian described him He taught people how to write with a pen, and sew clothes, He also divided seasons, made a solar calendar and mapped star positions

And all these things are attributed to Idris, It is known that he lived in Egypt and taught people about writing, solar calendar , stars etc so no one know , but may be idris was osiris.
Now We move to Nuh, that is Noah? he was known to the ancient Egyptians as the god of protection and floods.The god of flooding corresponds with Noah's story.So accordingly to this theory Atum Osiris and Nuh are Adam, Idris and Noah. The conclusion is that whenever one of the Prophets passed away, he was turned a legend then to a god.This kind of thing happens over and over again in history.
The words( Khenom Cheops ) on the big pyramid means God Exalted be He. then can lead to something else.Further , among the theories about who built the pyramid,is the belief that the survivors from Atlants built it. Atlantis was a continent that sank in the ocean. Egyptian priests told Plato about it, and he wrote about Atlantais in his biography.and that Atlantis was greatly advanced and civilized, but they began warring each other used their power for evil not for good, God drowned them. but some were saved, came to Egypt and built the pyramid.Meanwhile , some said that people from outer space built Giza pyramids.
In short some people doubt that the ancient Egyptian built the pyramid May be people who think that Atlantis people or aliens built the pyramids and not Egyptians, They build their theory on comparing nowadays Egyptian achievements to those of our grandparents,

Now let us back to the great pyramids story, The Great pyramid of Giza ( Cheops, Khufu pyramid ) which is 5000 years old, It is one of the 7 wonders of the ancient world, it is made out of 2 million , 600 thousands stones, Is it one of the houses of secrets? Does it contain the hidden secrets of ancient scientists?
The Pyramid that You see now in Giza plateau is the advanced model that followed a number of pyramids, one of them is the step pyramid of Saqqara.then Meidom pyramid for king Honi , then the bent pyramid of Snefru in Dahshur, then other pyramid well known as the red pyramid and it was the first real pyramid erected in the world, as all the pyramids erected before it were with different forms ( Bent or step pyramids).
Belzoni was one of the first to enter the pramids of Giza in modern times, Before Belzoni Arab also entered it at the time of Caliph Al Ma'mun

The first example of an ancient Egyptian cemetery. It is one room surrounded by smaller rooms, The deceased was placed in the center room , his belongings in the small ones. The rooms were built from mud bricks and were full of containers of fruits and seeds ( This is what cemeteries and tombs looked like in the first dynasty ) all of it of mud brick, later the horns of bulls appeared at cemeteries ( Images of Apis ) the bull god, were fashioned from mud bricks. Then the Egyptian began to build mastabas, Finally it was the genius engineer Imhotep who built the first large building of stone in all the world The step pyramid of Saqqara, He built mastabas one over another , this resulted the Step pyramid which consists of 6 steps, It was the first tomb and pyramid built with rocks,The builder of the step pyramid in Saqqara considerd later the god of medicine and engineering
In Saqqara complex there are many things to see , not only the step pyramid, There is the Heb sed buildings, the south and north houses and more, It is amazing tolook to the ceilingis similar to the palm-leaf stalk.The Egyptian took inspiration from nature and carved stone into symbols, then after Saqqara step pyramid it was erected an incomplete pyramid in Meidum, It is incomplete pyramid, we do not know why! This was one of the many pyramid designs that followed the step pyramid.Some people say it was complete but fall down because of an earthquake and that is why the next pharaoh Snefru moved from Meidum area and went to Dahshur to build his pyramid, So after the experiences of building mastaba, then a step pyramid then Meidum pyramid the bent pyramid of Dahshur was built,

Dahshur bent pyramid is considered one of the early attempts at building a pyramid, after that it was erected the first real pyramid for the same king who erected the bent pyramid ( Snefru ) in Dahshur.
After that the three pyramids of Giza were constructed